

Written by Bella, aged 14

Aspiring Young Musicians (AYM), MC/Spoken Word Short Course, Autumn 2018.

Celebrating young talent on National Poetry Day, Thursday 4th October 2018.


Inbred from Lucifer,
I never mean to.
I just can’t seem to put a stop to her
Tearing apart families and killing all the innocent,
I wish I could find my parents and put a stop to them.
I’m tired of feeling so terrible
Like a kid at school getting bullied for being the bully.
Feeling like the victim, only to remember I’m the murderer.
Babies and children.
Mothers and fathers.

I started to count, but lost track because of something I would rather…be doing like counting.
Five hundred fifty six children, stripped from the world that they will never know.
Mothers couldn’t get to watch their children grow.
But I grow and I die,
But nine times out of ten I survive.
Unlike the unlucky
Unlucky enough to be in my presence
I’m like a present under the tree
Or a sting from a bee.

I’m both terrible and awesome,
Although the awesome side of me…is hidden.
Just another day, diagnose away, because I’m here to stay.
I’m violent. A deadly,
Silent killer.
I’m cancer.

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